We were delighted to learn that Alan Hague has been recognised by H.M. The Queen in her New Year’s Honours List with the award of the British Empire Medal. With over 55 years in Scouting, dedicated to 16th Morecambe Scout Group, on Michaelson Avenue, Torrisholme, Alan has been an integral […]
Hi All, Our fund raising committee has organised the above event for Tuesday 14th July. There are tickets to distribute at section meetings in the Scout hut as a reminder, payment will be on the night at £5 per family. Family’s will walk round and do bit of a quiz […]
Our Christmas Hike this year was to Silver How (395 m) near Grasmere. The weather remained dry and cold throughout with icy patches in some places. Whilst starting positively, later on there was some mist and low cloud which, disappointingly, rather circumscribed the view. The minibus was parked at Grasmere […]
The Lonsdale District Scouts Christmas post will be in operation again this year. Stamps are now available from our HQ cost 30p each and from some local shops. This year we will again be looking for volunteers to sell stamps in Sainsbury’s store in Morecambe. We have drawn up a […]
Friday 25 July We’re all packed up and ready to go. Everything is set for an exciting and happy camp. Wednesday 30 July No phone signal on site!! Everyone ok and enjoying themselves. Waterworld in Stoke just now . . . 1st Aug Alton Towers – WOW! & wet!
The Group’s annual report for 2013/14 has now been published. Follow this link to see what exciting activities and challenges our members have been experiencing during the year . . . annual report 2014
Breaking news! For any of you former 16th Scouts out there I have at long last had the super 8 cine film that I took during our annual camp of 1980 converted on to a DVD. It’s brilliant, if I say so myself and in glorious technicolor. This is available […]
Update – 23 Jan 2014 Many thanks to all who helped sort and deliver the 4500+ cards. The Group raised over £1500 for our funds. If we are to keep up this sterling effort we are going to need volunteers next Christmas to join a small band of helpers who […]
Parents and supporters are invited to join us at the Pampered Chef fund raising evening on Thursday 21st November from 19.00 – 22.00 Hrs in the Scout headquarters. Nibbles, tea, coffee and food tasting. Tickets are £2.00 from your Section Leader. Proceeds in aid of the Scout Group. […]