Just browsing the West Lancs Media pages I came across these photos of some of our former members and one of our ASL’s enjoying themselves on theĀ Alpine Trip by West Lancs Scouts to Austria (Oetztal). Here are some of our locals talking about their experiences via Audioboo . . . […]
Alan Hague
Sunday. It’s pouring down! So we’re in the commonwealth swimming pool in edinburgh. And it’s fabulous . . Chris has gone searching for an outdoor shop for tent proofer! For his tent. Monday Weather still very mixed – this am went to the Scottish Mining Museum. Very interesting. Heavy rain […]
Here’sĀ one for you 16th veterans out there, particularly those of you who appear on this photo of the Scout Troop from 1979 taken in the old Scout hut behind the Church Hall and Vicarage. Let’s have a go at identifying who’s who (from memory) – starting back row L to […]
It was FUN, excitement, and adventure all the way at the Group Camp held at SilverHelme campsite over the weekend of 21/23 June. The Scout section traveled up on the Friday evening to set up camp and pitch their tents. Later, they enjoyed games inside the Mortimer Centre including trying […]
The Group’s annual report for 2012/13 has now been published. Follow this link to see what exciting activities and challenges our members have been experiencing during the year . . .
UPDATE What a magnificent turnout! Thanks to everyone for your support. Should you wish to consider joining our Group Executive Committee you can contact us via this link The Chairman and Group Scout Leader invite all Parents & Supporters to the Annual Review 2012/2013 to be held at SilverHelme […]
Do1Thing in 2013. 3-9 June 2013 A message from the Chief Scout Click on photo to enlarge During Scout Community Week 2012 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts from the Group “did their thing” by visiting St. John’s Hospice and carrying out a number of useful tasks. Beavers cleaned […]
For Red Nose Day 2013 the Troop will be holding a sponsored Silly Hair Day and Sponsored Silence. Photo here If you would like to sponsor our efforts you can do this through our very own 16th Morecambe Silly Hair Day giving page HERE